Worth Shining a Light On
Our community and more importantly our organization lost a gem of a man on November 4, 2020.
Kenneth Townsend humbly served Shoes 4 the Shoeless on the Board of Directors acting as Treasurer from our organization’s inception through the spring of 2020. Ken always had a gracious smile and story to share anytime you came in contact with him. As a retired CPA, accustomed to high- level corporate work, and small business owner, Ken was the perfect person to serve as Treasurer for a start-up non-profit. Showing up to meetings with an old school silver briefcase that may or may not held the “bomb codes” at one point, he was ready with any and all numbers that we would need to review organizationally.
More important than all of that was how close he held this mission to his heart. Deep down, he knew the love that was being displayed through the simple act of providing a pair of shoes and socks. He knew the joy that it brought the recipient. He knew the importance of what Shoes 4 the Shoeless meant within the community. He never let us lose sight of that during meetings and interactions.
A devoted Husband, Father, and Grandfather, Ken cared for his family and their well-being until the very end.
Ultimately, he probably can’t stand the fact that we are writing about him. It was never about him, it was always about others. That fact alone is worth shining a light on.
Thank you Ken for your dedication and service to our community; you will be missed greatly by many.
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