Empathy Building
Studies have shown that the ability to be empathetic among our young people is at an all-time low. Within the last few years, awareness of this catastrophic problem has risen. If uncorrected, our American culture of caring for others will be unrecognizable. Fortunately, solutions to begin to correct this issue have been suggested.
One of the most effective and impactful ways to create empathy is through eye-to-eye service.
Our Kids 4 Kids program was created to allow children to be able to serve their peers. Serving in an eye-to-eye fashion, not only meets a physical need, but is a proven method to help children grow in empathy.
The video link on the photo below is a conversation starter. We encourage educators and parents to watch it with their children and begin to process how we interact with those around us.

Supporting People
In times of disaster, we have utilized our logistical and networking expertise to rally people and supplies to help others in our own backyard and across the country.
We have provided shoes, socks, food, life-saving supplies, and manpower in the aftermath of floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and COVID.
Mission Trips
Beyond disasters, we have occasionally teamed up with longtime volunteers on mission trips to provide shoes and socks for children in need around the world.